Resources in Racine County, WI
If in need of emergency shelter due to domestic violence or other resources to support victims of domestic violence, contact Women's Resource Center of Racine County.
Women’s Resource Center
Description: Emergency shelter, holistic healing programs, legal advocacy, group counseling, and more for all victims who are unhoused as a result of domestic abuse.
Phone: 262-633-3233 (Call) or 262-221-0058 (Text)
Address: 1547 College Ave, Racine, WI 53403
Website: www.wrcracinewi.com
Mental Health and Behavioral Health Services
Ascension All Saints Hospital - Behavioral Health
Description: Inpatient and outpatient mental health services, psychiatric evaluation, emergency mental health care.
Phone: 262-667-4011
Address: 1244 Wisconsin Ave. #300, Racine, WI 53403
Family Service of Racine
Description: Individual and family therapy, child and adolescent counseling, parent support, anger management. Directions to apply for State funded counseling.
Phone: 262-634-2391
Address: 420 7th St., Racine, WI 53403
Website: https://www.opencounseling.com/wisconsin/racine/counseling-agency/family-service-of-racine
Focus on Community
Description: Substance use prevention, youth programs, and community outreach.
Phone: 262-632-6200
Address: 1240 Washington Ave, Racine, WI 53403
Website: www.focusracine.org
Health Care Network, Inc.
Description: Free or low-cost medical, dental, and mental health services for low-income or uninsured individuals.
Phone: 262-632-2400
Address: 500 Wisconsin Ave., Suite 102, Racine, WI 53403
Website: www.healthcarenetwork.org
Lakeshore Community Health Care
Description: Behavioral health counseling, substance abuse treatment, primary care, dental care.
Phone: 262-408-2530
Address: 20611 Spring St., Mount Pleasant, WI 53404
Website: www.lakeshorechc.org
NAMI Racine County
Description: Peer support groups, educational programs, mental health advocacy.
Phone: 262-637-0582
Address: 2300 DeKoven Ave., Unit A, Racine, WI 53403
Website: https://www.namiracinecounty.org
Racine County Behavioral Health Services
Description: Crisis intervention, outpatient mental health, substance use services, case management.
Phone: 262-638-6741
Address: 1717 Taylor Ave., Racine, WI
Employment and Financial Supports
Racine Vocational Ministries
Description: Employment search and support, substance use counseling, emotional health support, and more related supports to obtaining and maintaining employment.
Phone: 262-633-8660
Address: 214 7th St., Racine, WI 53403
Website: www.rvmracine.org
Workforce Solutions
Description: Employment training, job placement, and career counseling.
Phone: 262-638-6312
Address: 1717 Taylor Ave., Racine, WI 53403
Website: www.racinecounty.com/departments/workforce-solutions
Supportive Services
BeLEAF Survivors
Description: Provides supportive and preventive services for survivors of sexual assault and children who have experienced child abuse. They provide therapy, support groups, case management, family advocacy, community education, and more.
Phone: 262-637-7233
Address: 2000 Domanik Dr., Racine, WI 53404
Website: www.beleafsurvivors.org
HALO (Homeless Assistance Leadership Organization)
Description: Emergency shelter, case management, general supports for unhoused individuals and families
Phone: 262-633-3235
Address: 2000 DeKoven Ave., Racine, WI 53403
Website: https://haloinc.org
Racine County Food Bank
Description: Emergency assistance for food.
Phone: 262-632-2307
Address: 2000 DeKoven Ave., Unit #2, Racine, WI 53403
Website: www.racinecountyfoodbank.org/
St. Vincent de Paul
Description: Emergency shelter, food assistance, clothing assistance, and rental support.
Phone: 262-633-6467
Address: 926 LaSalle St. PO Box 44195, Racine, WI 53404
Website: www.svdpracine.org
Transitional Living Center (TLC)
Description: Provides emergency shelter for women and children experiencing homelessness, as well as financial mentoring, referrals to other resources, and more.
Phone: 262-767-1478
Address: 23303 Church Road, Kansasville, WI 53139
Website: www.tlcburlington.com
Women’s Resource Center
Description: Emergency shelter, holistic healing programs, legal advocacy, group counseling, and more for all victims who are unhoused as a result of domestic abuse.
Phone: 262-633-3233 (Call) or 262-221-0058 (Text)
Address: 1547 College Ave, Racine, WI 53403
Website: www.wrcracinewi.com
Substance Use Supports
Oxford House - Joe Prott
Description: Sober, independent living house for men in substance use recovery.
Phone: 262-833-5010
Address: 1336 Virginia St., Racine, WI 53405
Website: www.halfwayhouses.us/details/oxford-house-joe-prott
Focus on Community
Description: Substance use prevention, youth programs, and community outreach.
Phone: 262-632-6200
Address: 1240 Washington Ave, Racine, WI 53403
Website: www.focusracine.org
Racine Vocational Ministries
Description: Employment search and support, substance use counseling, emotional health support, and more related supports to obtaining and maintaining employment.
Phone: 262-633-8660
Address: 214 7th St., Racine, WI 53403
Website: www.rvmracine.org
Veteran Services
Racine County Veterans Services Office
Description: Assistance with VA benefits and other veteran related benefits, as well as providing support services for veterans and families with federal and state benefits
Phone: 262-638-6702
Address: 1717 Taylor Ave., Racine, WI 53403
Website: www.racinecounty.com/departments/veterans-services
Veterans Outreach of Wisconsin
Description: Transitional housing, mental health, supportive services, and outreach services for homeless and at-risk veterans.
Phone: 262-221-8350
Address: 1624 Yout St. Racine, WI 53404
Website: www.vetsoutreachwi.us
Youth & Family Services
Family Service of Racine
Description: Individual and family therapy, child and adolescent counseling, parent support, anger management. Directions to apply for State funded counseling.
Phone: 262-634-2391
Address: 420 7th St., Racine, WI 53403
Website: https://www.opencounseling.com/wisconsin/racine/counseling-agency/family-service-of-racine
Focus on Community
Description: Substance use prevention, youth programs, and community outreach.
Phone: 262-632-6200
Address: 1240 Washington Ave, Racine, WI 53403
Website: www.focusracine.org
SAFE Haven of Racine
Description: Shelter and support for youth, crisis intervention, family support services.
Phone: 262-637-9559
Address: 1030 Washington Ave, Racine, WI 53403
Website: www.safehavenofracine.org